Your Secret is Safe with Me with Dr. Marie Murphy | Are You Just Having a Midlife Crisis?

191: Are You Just Having a Midlife Crisis?

Jun 05, 2024

There is a common belief that marriage should last a lifetime. We buy into the idea that we should be satisfied with what we have, and if our life looks a certain way then we have no right to be dissatisfied or want something different. If a marriage doesn’t last, something has gone very wrong.

So when somebody decides that they are dissatisfied with life as they know it, and engage in an infidelity situation as a result, it is commonly labeled as a midlife crisis. They are expected to END the affair relationship and do everything they can to work on their marriage until they are satisfied again. They MUST put an end to this midlife crisis. But what if the solution to the “problem” of having a midlife crisis is NOT to go back to business as usual? What if waking up one morning and deciding you are dissatisfied with your life is a wonderful opportunity to reexamine what you want and what you want to do about it?

If you are engaging in an infidelity situation and considering it to be “just” a manifestation of a midlife crisis, and are convincing yourself that the best thing to do is to stay married and figure things out, then at least give equal consideration to the possibility that it isn’t that. At least give equal consideration to the possibility that maybe it’s okay to do something other than sticking with the status quo. 

This week on Your Secret is Safe With Me, I show you why engaging in infidelity isn’t always a symptom of a midlife crisis, and how to establish what is really going on in your life if you are doing this. Find out what so many people believe to be the solution to a midlife crisis, what I believe to be the real solution, and why it does not involve convincing yourself to stick with the status quo and be happy with what you have.

Are you ready to resolve your infidelity situation in a way that you feel great about? There are two ways we can work together:

Why wait any longer to find some relief and a clear path forward?  Let’s get you the guidance and support you need today!


What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • Some problems that come with thinking about midlife crises in the way we are taught to.  
  • Why making changes in your life that impact other people does NOT mean that you are automatically going to destroy those people’s lives.
  • The beauty of giving yourself the opportunity to be radically honest with yourself about your infidelity situation and what you want from your life.
  • The relationship between midlife crises and infidelity, and why it isn’t always what you might think.  

Listen to the Full Episode:


Featured on the Show:

Are you ready to resolve your infidelity situation in a way that you feel great about? There are two ways we can work together:

Resolving your infidelity situation may take some effort. And it is also totally do-able. Why stay stuck for any longer?  Let’s find you some relief and a clear path forward, starting today.


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